Diner Dash Game
Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World

Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World

Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World watch Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World trailer download Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World

The world's best wedding planner, Quinn is back in 'Wedding Dash 2, the sequel to the popular counter-the-time hits. Help her, along with the famous Flo and Joe Wright, wedding photographer to plan the most exclusive wedding of the year! Travel to exotic locations and take care to ensure that all guests are happy. Do not forget to meet the needs of most demanding bride and her groom! Manage the crazy disasters that may be missing in any wedding. Quinn will manage to keep the nerves?

Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World Screenshots
Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World Screenshot Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World Screenshot
Get the Flash Player to see the trailer.